Harpreeth Singh (Ranbir Kapoor) has just completed his graduation and his marks are embarrassing to say the least. He dreams of a career as a salesman and soon takes the plunge, only to realize the corruption, competition and ruthlessness that are a part of the corporate world.
Rocket Singh isn't a comedy. It's a refreshingly different take on Salesmen, their lives and the struggle that is part of it. You connect with the film on a certain level; how many times have you dropped calls, soon after knowing the person at the other end is a salesman? How many times have you been promised an extra ordinary offer, only to be let down after the purchase? All sounds familiar, doesn't it? The first half of Rocket Singh is just that, it's about the struggle and frustration that is a part of the job.
The problem though lies in the post interval portions, when Harpreeth Singh turns into a revenge seeking underdog. To describe in short; Harpreeth sets up his very own company, while still working as an employee for his rival. The pace drops here and the movie begins to unnecessarily drag on. The climax doesn't work, simply because the victory of the good over evil doesn't make the necessary impact.
While you walk out, you carry a few moments with you; the short and sweet love story between Ranbir and Shazan Padamsee, Ranbir's interview that bags him the job, when Mr. Suri finds out that Rocket Sales Corporation is in his very office and all the finely etched characters in the movie.
At 3 hours in runtime Rocket Singh is lengthy and slow. If entertainment, music, item numbers or masala films are your cup of tea, stay far away. Films like these require patience and a keen attention to every dialogue uttered, to truly enjoy the experience.
The performances are nice, lead by Ranbir Kapoor as the simple Sardar. He emotes through his eyes; watch his interactions with his father or his body language while merely standing in the meeting or in the police station. Rocket Singh belongs to Ranbir Kapoor. Shazan Padamsee is lovely in a tiny role, when off screen you miss her presence. Gauhar Khan is effective. Every other character actor makes a mark.
To sum up, Rocket Singh isn't for everyone. It lacks those ingredients that are an integral part of most Bollywood blockbusters. Still keen? What are you waiting for, go watch it.
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