Cast: Irrfan Khan, Sanath Menon, Rohan Grover, Naman Jain, Aarav Khanna, Vishesh Tiwari, Chinmai Chandranshuh, Vedant Desai, Divji Handa, Sherya Sharma, Ranbir Kapoor
Director: Vikas Bahl, Nitesh Tiwari
Finally 'Chillar Party' turns out to be an outing which despite featuring children isn't quite a 'kiddo flick'. To put it simply, just around 20%-25% tweaking in the film's script could have easily allowed kids to be replaced by youngsters in their 20s and the impact would have still been the same. In that context, the script is flexible enough to cater to audience across all age groups, something which is its biggest strength. So the moment audience is introduced to all kids in the story, you know that 'finally' this is going to be a different affair. There is a unique treatment indeed as there is a back story told about how each of the kids got their nicknames, something which is out and out hilarious and sets you in the right mood to watch what the rest of 'Chillar Party' has to offer. At the core of 'Chillar Party' carries a simple agenda - save a stray dog which is the best friend of 'tapori' boy who works in the same society where all kids reside. Though there is a Minister who wants to boost his ego by trying to make this as a city wide issue, the kids go the whole hog to ensure that they have their way.
This is exactly makes the first half of the film absolutely terrific as quite a few scenes leave a solid impression and also make one pine to revisit them all over again. While introduction of all the kids is the pick of the lot, the scene where 'Jhangia' (the most memorable of them all) reaches out to the 'tapori' boy multiple times to induct him into their local cricket team is priceless. And then not to forget the part where all kids start acting like 'bhai logs'. In fact Panauti, Encyclopaedia, Akram, Silencer and of course Fatka are the kids who leave a very good impression even after the film is through. Though time and again it does happen the second half of an interesting film goes for a toss, it doesn't quite happen in case of 'Chillar Party'. The story continues from where it has left and now the kids face a bigger challenge to retain the dog by getting a 'no objection certificate' from the society members. Just when one felt that all of this could turn into a preachy drama, the makers come to the rescue as they ensure that the humour quotient doesn't die down. Watch out for the interactions that kids have with their parents at this juncture or the entire 'breaking news' episode. Hilarious.
In fact the entire idea of stepping into a 'chaddi march' is done well too. However the moment kids hit the road in their 'white chaddis', the drama (unfortunately) starts going downhill. From this point on till hundreds of kids coming together at Flora Fountain to the evil plans of the Minister to the entire conversation between the parents to the TV show last 20-25 minutes end up being a little haywire. Worse, Ranbir Kapoor's 'Tai Tai Phis' appears even after 'behind the scenes' feature during the end credit title rolls. Not fair because many leave the auditorium by this time. Still, all said and done, hats off to the makers who actually took a brave decision to back this story as a full fledged feature film. 'Finally' That's the sigh of relief that one gets during the very first 15 minutes of the playtime of 'Chillar Party'. A classy product makes it's presence felt from a distance and 'Chillar Party' pretty much succeeds on doing that from the word 'go'.At one point in American history, dogs and blacks were not allowed in public places. During the British occupation of China, it was 'dogs and Chinese' while at the first Mumbai marathon the rule was against dogs and wheelchairs. A dog has thus become a metaphor for seclusion, for denying someone their fundamental rights.
"Chillar Party" uses this metaphor in a brilliant, but hilariously entertainment manner to make a statement against those who seclude, be it Shiv Sena in Mumbai, fanatic Hindus who want Muslims out of India, or upper class Hindus who refuse lower caste people basic rights etc. That it does so while making you laugh, is its greatest strength. After a street kid Phatka (Irrfan Khan) and his stray dog Bhidu begin cleaning cars in a rich locality, the rich, school going kids first try to fend him off, but later become great buddies. When a minister offended by the dog passes a law to ban all street dogs from Mumbai, the kids resort to some unconventional activism to save their beloved dog. But is it even possible for the powerless kids to take on a high and mighty minister? "Chillar Party", in essence, is a children's film. But those who can read between the lines and see between pictures know that the most brilliant, imaginative and metaphorical literature and cinema in the world, are for kids.
Thus in literature you have your 'The Prince' and 'Gulliver's Travels', while the films of Iranian auteurs, though simple and innocent, attack an unjust system. "Chillar Party" is a welcome addition to these greats of world cinema. Yet, what does a children's film need to be good? A simple story, good metaphor, oodles of cuteness and innocence, fun and humour and a band of actors to carry it all off. If you have these, any other drawbacks can be excused. "Chillar Party" has these and much more. The film is filled with observations and idiosyncrasies that will leave you laughing your guts out. Every child in the film has acted with such restrained understatement that they give your popular stars a run for their money. And yet, beyond all these beautifully working elements, it is the metaphor of the dog that takes the cake. Unlike nature, the world of humans is full of seclusion. Thus a Bal Thackeray in the 1960s wants the South Indians, in the 1990s the Muslims, and now the North Indians out of Mumbai. Fanatic Hindus want Muslims out of India. The Americans wanted blacks out of America. The Australians want Indians out. The Sri Lankans want the Tamils out. The list is literally endless. But as the film so valiantly, sincerely and emotionally argues, what is needed is inclusion.
"Chillar Party is filled with allegorical moments that hint at how the poor, the disenfranchised, the adivasi, the handicapped, the minority survive. When the rich kids take away his cleaning cloth, Phatka has no qualms about washing cars with his only tshirt. The rich consider poor to be pests and want them out, but the poor strive and ironically serve the same rich. Some, pushed to the edge, take up arms against mighty odds, like in the tribal belts of India. Besides saluting the creative genius of writer-director Vikas Bahl and Nitesh Tiwari, one has to bow to UTV and Salman Khan, for flexing their muscles for something so beautiful. "Chiller Party" may be a small film. But as cinema goes, in its adroitness, it is much more mature than 99 percent of the films ever made in India. And that, you'll reckon, is no 'small' achievement.Once again filmmakers with small budget but big content have shown that all it takes to make a film is to have the right story, right direction and right acting. And maybe that's just what attracted many Bollywood celebs towards the touching yet entertaining film Chillar Party. First it was Ranbir Kapoor to tag his name to the film by offering to do an item song for free so that the film could get some mileage at the ticket windows, then it was The Salman Khan who got so pleased by the acting that he thought of co-producing the film itself. We give you an insight into what made this film such a talk of town.
As rightly mentioned in press release Chillar Party is a fillam about a gang of innocent but feisty bachcha log Jangiya, Encyclopedia, Panauti, Akram among others who lead a carefree and fun filled life in Chandannagar colony. Soon Fatka&Bhidu come into their lives and they become an inseparable part of Chillar party. The lives of these bachcha logs get difficult when Bhidu's life is endangered, thanks to a mean politician. Saathmein they fight the big bad world of politics and show that even chhotebachche can move mountain. In a world where reason outweighs emotions, Chillar party teaches everyone to feel rather than think. They prove that what seems right is not always right.
Director Vikas Bahl and Nimesh Tiwari prove their mettle in their debut film itself. The fine detailing, the humour quotient as well as the story are all brilliant. There are many endearing moments that tug at your heart. The characters are so adorable that within minutes you are drawn into their simple and innocent world and you can't help but get enamoured by their intelligence, chirpiness, ebullience and endearing naughtiness. Quite recently, Amole Gupte too tried his hands with a children film Stanley Ka Dabba, but it is Chillar Party that without doubts deserves to win the title of Best Children film so far. The first half of the film moves very quickly courtesy the excellent editing. However, the second half slackens with the overt histrionics of the kids. Even the climax appears stretched but what binds the film together and keeps the interest of the audience intact is the cuteness of the kids and their timing with each other. There will surely remain many scenes that might turn into trademark dialogues. For example, the Gandhi, tapori style dialogue mouthed by Jangiya.
The credit for bringing such a gem to light truly goes to one man Salman Khan. One can only expect this bad boy of Bollywood to work on a brainless, slapstick Ready on one hand and produce a gem such as this on the other. Had it not been for him and his star power, Chillar Party could've gotten lost in the slew of mega starrers that make it to the theatres. Talk about the acting and each and every kid does a brilliant job but the ones that stand out are Irfan Khan as Fatka, Sanath Menon as Encyclopedia and Naman Jain as Jhangiya. However, it's all a team effort. While acting department of this film is extremely powerful, music by Amit Trivedi also deserves a mention. Even the cinematography is good. The only thing that comes out glaring is the absence of Ranbir Kapoor's item song which comes right at the end, even after the end credits. To sum it up, You should not miss this Chillar Party! Do watch it for its sheer brilliance!
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